Thursday 27 June 2024

Day 230 A much more manageable trip than the last one, to do the No 349 from Stamford Hill to Enfield bus garage.

 After a trip into Croydon to deposit some cheques at the bank I caught the 1115 Peterborough Thameslink service to Finsbury Park arriving at 1153. I then walked under the bridge to bus stop R and caught a No 253 bus to Stamford Hill. From the bus stop it was a short walk to Rookwood Road where Arriva's 'Borismaster' LT3 was relaxing in the sunshine.

Arriva's LT3 resting prior to departure

Church with the closed Stamford
 Hill bus
garage behind it
Display at bus stop says a 40 minute journey

The bus stop said the journey should take 40 minutes and I was aboard in my usual spot by 1222. We headed straight back to Stamford Hill Broadway and took the road towards Seven Sisters. The route was created from the No 149 in 2004 and replaced that part of the No 149 that went north of Edmonton Green bus garage. That of course meant that we followed the No 149 past the Bernie Grant Arts Centre at 1228 and on past the new Tottenham Hotspur stadium.

Egerton Road, first stop after leaving Stamford
Hill Broadway

Seven Sisters

Tottenham Hotspur stadium in distance

The beginning of the roadworks
Beyond this the journey became very slow owing to a succession of road works from beyond Bruce Grove station through to the A406; it took 12 minutes from entering London Borough of Enfield to reach the A406 and then again further north it was slow approaching Edmonton Green. This bus station was reached forty minutes after departure instead of Enfield bus garage but north of here progress was fairly fluid. Soon only two bus routes were on the Hertford Road: the No 349 and the No 279 heading for Waltham Cross. At 1315 we reached Ponders End shopping centre and turned left into Southbury Road to reach the bus garage at 1316, fifty five minutes after leaving Stamford Hill.

Ponders End shopping centre

LT3 inside the compound of Enfield garage

Southbury railway station is very close to the garage so I caught the 1340 train towards Liverpool Street. However, rather than go into central London I got out at Hackney Downs and walked to Hackney Central station where I caught a Richmond bound train two stops to Canonbury. At Canonbury I crossed the platform and waited six minutes for a West Croydon train where I arrived at 1507 and then took an Epsom train home..

Thursday 13 June 2024

Day 229 So to the No 348. Up until privatisation in 1970 there were the 348, 348A and 348B all running out of Amersham to various villages. However, it was now a choice between Ashton-under Lyme or Tiverton-Tiverton won!

 This time we caught the 0905 London Bridge train and then Jubilee and Bakerloo lines to ensure we arrived at out booked time for the 1035 train to Exeter St Davids.

Tickets from Paddington to Tiverton Parkway

Our train 4th from left of display at Paddington

This train was slow to be called but we were off on time stopping at Reading, Newbury, Hungerford, Pewsey, Westbury and Castle Cary before reaching Taunton on time and finally alighting just before 1300 at Tiverton Parkway station. There is an hourly bus service, the No 373, from this station to Tiverton and rather surprisingly given its name it is six miles away from the town. The next bus was at 1327 so we were able to have an inexpensive pasty and sausage roll along with hot drinks-there hadn't been any hot drinks on the train.

Tiverton Parkway station

The No 373 arriving

Stagecoach double decker 10691 which took us through some lovely East Devon scenery on a fairly bright day with much more sunshine than recently at home. We arrived at Tiverton bus station at 1400 and although there was no timetable up for the bus there was a blind arrangement giving the next departures in order. The next No 348 was at 1415, so I took Charmaine up to the High Street and let her loose whilst I headed back to the bus station.

The road from the station to Tiverton
 is not very wide in places

Stagecoach 47089, now twenty years old at Tiverton bus station

Reflection makes it impossible to read
this is the No 348 service

A slightly clearer view of the number on the side

No 348 bus ticket

Bus display system at Tiverton bus station

The No 348 is a town bus service using an Optare Solo and I boarded Stagecoach 48007 at 1411. The driver asked where I was going and I said all the way, which would be a bit strange because I would return to where I started from. But with a little

 explanation of what I was doing I was given a ticket for £1.50 and we departed at 1415. The bus turned left onto the bypass and next left into Station Road which did not have much left of the original station but I presumed the industrial estate was its previous location which closed in 1965. We passed over the River Lowman which joins the River Exe just south of the town and proceeded into Gold Street before turning hard right at Greggs into Bampton Street. Some of these roads were quite narrow and the bus had to give way quite often. Bampton Street became Park Street after Silver Street had been crossed.

The River Lowman in Tiverton town centre

After a while the bus went right at Belmont Road past Pinnox Moor Road which I had seen as a destination on the No 343 bus and then subsequently right into Courtney Road after the road had morphed into Cowley Moor Road. We followed left into Elmore Way and I noticed how the bus stop here had cars parked across it. At the end of this road the bus reversed into a dead end and headed back the way it had come to Cowley Moor Road. There were about ten people on the bus and had been from the start so I was beginning to wonder when anyone would be getting off!

After the first reverse in Elmore Way. The bus stop
had a car either side of it making pulling in of a bus
an impossibility

The second reverse in Lower Moor Way

As Cowley Moor Road turned into Beech Road we headed down Sycamore Road amongst a whole estate of tree names. Even then people didn't get off and it was only beyond the end of Lime Road when we intercepted Queensway that any passengers got off and after this that was progressively the case as Queensway returned us to Beech Road. Here we took a right and then right again into Lea Road which ran into Lowman Way. At Lower Moor Way the bus reversed again and then returned to Lea Road picking up a passenger as it did so and the final two original ones got off. Lea Road took us around the north and NW side of town before running into the A3198 near Tiverton Rugby Club. The bus took a foray along the A3126 as far as Tiverton and District Hospital but there were no takers as it went around the roundabout and returned to take the right up Park Hill. This road became called The Works after passing the Castle and then also the parish church of St Peter's. Following left we entered Newport Street and then crossing Bampton Street we went right into Barrington Street which is one way. Instead of turning left to go over the River Lowman and back to the bus station the bus turned right and headed up Gold Street passing Charmaine as it did so. At Greggs this time we went straight on into Fore Street where the road appeared to be pedestrianised but buses are excluded from that I presumed. Here everyone but I got off and the driver waited for a while, before going ahead passing the memorial hall and over the River Exe. We then turned left onto the A3126 again and subsequently left again back over the River Exe before terminating after turning left into Phoenix Lane at the bus station at 1445. The bus then became the No 349 and this appears to the do the same journey as the No 348 but in reverse. However, since there is a No 349 in London I need to do that one. 

Stagecoach 48007 back at the bus station

Inside Tiverton Museum

GWR No 1442 allowing inspection of cab

I then visited the museum to see the Tivvy Bumper, the 0-4-2 tank engine that used to provide services to Tiverton from Tiverton Junction station. 

To the east of Tiverton there is an extensive
area owned by Blundell's school

Typical red Devon soil

Orpington Court at Halburton, the house on left shown below

Back at Tiverton Parkway station
with a Hitachi class 802 heading west

Bus tickets on same bus SC 10691 to Tiverton and
  We caught the 1745 departure of the No 373 back to Tiverton Parkway station which missed the 1806 train by two minutes. Thus we had almost an hour and a half to kill at the station. The 1931 train did arrive on time and despite being held up behind a late running freight train and a potential points failure in Reading we arrived at Paddington only 4 minutes late at 2128. We then took the Elizabeth line to Farringdon and the Thameslink back to East Croydon and finally a No 410 home arriving at 2245. A long but successful trip!